
Not Sure What To Pursue in College: Try a Business Program

Getting a degree from a liberal arts school offers flexibility in career choice that narrower specialties do not. One of the main advantages of this type of degree program, especially Associate’s Degrees, is that it can allow you to transfer into a program that you decide upon later . This is advantageous because it gets rid of all of your basic educational prerequisites . Also, most of your classes are transferrable to another university or specialty program. Some credits may apply toward one degree, but not another .

A business degree is another degree that offers a lot of flexibility when it comes to career options.  Business degree programs offer something for everyone and provide a lot of skills that are applicable to general life needs. This can help a manager expand their credentials , or even be a good starting point for someone that is relatively unacquainted with the work force . Many people get into a business program without knowing what they want to end up doing. This can be a good way to progress through higher education , learning skills that are applicable to a wide variety of careers, without having to narrow in too specifically on a specialized area of study.

Regardless of what degree you decide on, having a higher education degree is generally better than not having one. In some cases companies want to know that you are willing and able to learn , so sometimes your degree major is not as important as having a degree. If you look at job descriptions online they often list a requirement for a specific degree, or a comparable degree. In many cases either a business or liberal arts degree can represent a comparable degree because of the range of skills taught in those programs.

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