
Passion for Books and Clubs

“Many are in to reading books because of its interesting stories and amazing characters. As a book lover myself, I enjoy reading different types of novels that are funny, full of drama and sometimes suspenseful. I read to relieve my stress. With books, you can travel across the globe and be who want to be. Your imagination can take you away from the reality and the problems and unending clamors of the world. These are just a few benefits from reading books. The best part is, when you are a member of book clubs like Doubleday Large Print Book Club and the like, everything becomes even more satisfying.

Book lovers have different choices from the types of books that they want to read. There are those who enjoy romance books or novels. There are those who are into books about heroes or heroines who can overcome any kind of heartaches and other unfortunate events. Regardless of the type of books that book lovers are into, they have one common thing – their passion for reading. As the week ends, I always make it a point to pass by my book club and get a good book. It is a pleasurable way of spending my Friday nights at home along with sipping my tea with a piece of doughnut while reading my book.

Teens these days spend their free time partying with friends, or shopping or sitting on the couch for the entire day just staring at the TV. Books, for me, are very educational and entertaining. It helps you relax while learning while you read. We should spread the word of the advantages in reading a novel and how it can be a good buddy on Friday nights. Certainly, Doubleday Book Club and those several other book clubs can be a great way to meet new friends and nurture friendships or relationships.

In contrary to popular belief, books are not only for geeks or nerds. Everyone can benefit from reading a book and it should be taught to the younger generations that books are fun, educational and an enjoyable hobby. Reading is an inexpensive yet valuable pastime that can provide you a great experience without leaving your home.

If you would like to sign up for a book club in your local area, grab your friends with you and try to find book clubs you can sign up to like the Mystery Guild, Literary Guild or others that may be just around the area.”

If you want to join Doubleday book club in your local area, take your friends with you and try to find book clubs you can join such as the Mystery Guild, Literary Guild or others that may be just around the block.

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