
Ready For Your Africa Vacation

Travelling to Africa can be tricky to say the least.

The culture, the climate and the politics are all things you need to understand before going to Africa.

But rest easy, I found a site about Africa vacations that really brings you all the first hand experience and knowledge you need to help you enjoy the most amazing trip you will ever take. InterpointTravel is the best kept secret for all things Africa.

Let’s face it, you get most of your information from a travel agent, who get’s her information from a brochure. The result is a standard “touristy” type of vacation, which is fine but trust me, that’s not the way to see Africa. This website is loaded with insider information and tips that you would probably not think about, like how to obtain calling cards, and how to obtain medical help if needed. There is more to Africa than a Safari, but of course there is loads of information on that as well.

Aditionallly, I found the best local restaurants and charming boutique hotels, as well as, great rates on airfares. Travel to Africa is not like traveling to the carribean, it truly is a different world. So before you pack your timberland’s,go to the site and jump around, you’ll be glad you did. Remember to head out to learn as much as you can about Africa vacations and enjoy your trip!

Taking a trip to Africa and seeing that part of the world HAS TO be on your life’s TO DO LIST. Put it there and keep it there!

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