
Wearing the Right Belt

A man’s overall attire is never complete without a belt. Hence, it would be safe to say that a belt is one of men’s best friends in pulling a perfect fashion statement. In fact, the belt is one of the five accessories that every man should have (apart from wallet, sunglasses, bag and watches). And if you go out without a belt, you are in danger of pulling down two things: your image and your pants .

When you wear plaid white custom dress shirts and a pair of black pants, like what almost everybody else are wearing, it looks too mundane, but put on a good taste of belt, then it would make a huge difference, painting a whole new aura of yourself. While belts can accentuate and add glamour to your pants, choosing the wrong belt can also make you look ridiculous. Therefore, take some few precautions in choosing the right belt to wear, from the strap color to the shape and design of your buckle; always be careful in picking the right one to wear before you head out for the day.

Going for a rather formal look? Shoot for neutral shades and those with colors that match the shades of your trousers. Perhaps the shades of black or brown would be great since these are considered as the universal shades for belts that would look great in any bottom or upper you’ll wear. Belts should also be made of soft leather with superior and durable quality. Its buckle must just be simple and small, with the preference for steel.

A tri-shades fashion would not be bad for a formal look, too. You can wear white long sleeved men dress shirts and a pair of gray pants with a black leather belt. And for a more colorful tri-color combination, you can always seek guidance from your color wheel lesson in your elementary art class.

Do not be afraid to try out different combinations. You can also go for a white or beige belt on a cream or light brown pants paired with pastel shades dress shirts. Belts with lighter shades look classy and neat, but only if you want to pull off a casual look. For an evening revelry, a dark brown leather belt that matches your craggy pair of denim pants and trendy short sleeved dress shirt can look very hip, and if you shoot for a broad belt with a funky buckle, it would give you an adventurous, fun and modish look!

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